Irving Injury Center provides physical rehabilitation, chiropractic care and other conservative forms of therapy utilizing the latest equipment, technology and evidence-based treatments. We also refer our patients to other medical specialists when necessary to obtain a full scope of care for them. Individuals that are injured at work while performing their duties include a large portion of our practice. We consider neck and back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress syndrome and other types of injury or pain as first signs for a workers compensation injury. We also consider other symptoms and loss of function when diagnosing each condition and refer to other medical facilities for diagnostic tests when indicated in order to make sure we understand the source of the problem. Some of the conditions that we treat for workers compensation injuries include neck pain, back pain, knee pain, ankle pain, pulled hamstrings, fibromyalgia, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, hip pain, herniated disc, joint pain, sprain of muscles, muscle weakness, tension headaches and wrist pain. Most of these conditions come as a result of repetitive activities at work such as sitting at a desk for too long and heavy lifting.

There are many services that we provide to treat these conditions. These include therapeutic exercises, back safety programs, work hardening, work conditioning, chiropractic care, ultrasound therapy, chronic pain management, specialist referrals when necessary, hot and cold treatment, physical therapy, flexion distraction therapy, percussion treatment, muscle stimulation, injury rehabilitation, muscle conditioning and physical traction treatment. Recent research has depicted that if an individual is suffering from such conditions and considers a prescribed conservative course of treatment such as we provide, then it gives the patient a faster healing process, getting them back to work quicker and back to their active daily life.

Employees consider it important and value their job if they know their employers insure them properly. This is unlike the case with some employers who consider not covering their workers or covering them with as little cost as possible. Lack of coverage might diminish your ability of allowing you access to our services. However, we encourage you to call us for a free consultation and free claims assistance. We employ the services of a former workers compensation adjuster to assist you free of charge, and in the event you are facing serious problems with your claim, we can direct you to some of the best experienced workers compensation attorneys in town. As for employers, consider insuring your employees with the best insurance companies that will necessitate easy transition and referral of either our services or other typical services. Once your employees understand this, you will certainly get their best performance and they will return to work more quickly.

Call Now for a Free Consultation! (972) 514-6278